Missing Fantasy...

Cue up the Evil Morty theme song, gents.  If your anything like me, the frustration has settled in quite a bit, as the vast and ever expansive sports-less void of despair continues to grow faster than a 13 year-old's boner who discovers Cinemax After Dark for the first time.  Yet, while the torturous solitude so cruelly and suddenly thrust upon us slowly starts to lighten up, sadly the damage has already been done, as our life of quarantine has already nestled deep into our sick, demented collective psyches.  In turn, it feels like an eternity since football was last played, and unfortunately we still find ourselves wandering aimlessly through the Long Night of the sports stoppage.  So I humbly come before you as thy self-appointed messenger for the Fantasy Gods, to call your attention toward the one thing, and one thing only, that has the power to shine through the dark malaise of our world without sports, like a glorious beacon of hope, and bring normalcy to us once more: Fantasy Football.  I know, I know... technically the prospect of another exciting season of the Emotional Friends League in 2020 is still in jeopardy at this point.  However, as I sit here still quarantined in this dimly lit room, sipping on boxed wine, shoveling three day old pizza down my gullet, and arguing with the nefarious voices in my head trying to convince me that y'all will never be penetrated by the towering staff of my fantasy wisdom again, I refuse to let the engulfing anguish of envisioning a life without Fantasy Football tear apart my last semblance of sanity.  So, you know what? Fuck it!  That's what I say.  To all my fellow league members out there, hear me now and hear me well.  We will not let our minds recede into an unescapable fantasy-less prison locked away in a post-coronavirus world riddled with "Zoom Happy Hours", "Joe Exotic Memes", and "Pillow Dress Challenges" anymore!  We are Fantasy Footballers goddammit!  So go dust the cobwebs off that T-Siz album buried away behind the stack of porno mags, pop it in the ole' boom box, and let the comforting lyrics of our main girl remind us again who we truly are!  Yup, that's right.  We're taking a little trip down memory lane, bitches!  To a time when the all consuming competition of fantasy was the true measure of our manhood.  A time when the unrelenting pursuit to capture a fantasy championship was actually a meaningful and noble endeavor.  A time where we could freely day dream about the feelings of pure, unadulterated, glory that would come upon reaching fantasy's promised land.  Thus, without further ado, I bring to you a final lookback at the 2019 season to share some last thoughts and takeaways going into 2020.  Is it the write up you deserve?  Absolutely, not.  But, it is the write up you need right now.  So let's get to it baby!  Hit it T-Swift!

♩ ♪ ♬ ♩ ♫ ♬

I wouldn't get respect
But it'd be cool
They'd say I played the waivers and
I found someone lucky, it's true

And that would be okay
Some salty dudes
Every conquest I had made
Would make me more of a boss than you

I'd be your standings leader
Dolin' out shit talk right
When no on can beat ya
What's that like?

I'm so sick of drafting
As best as I can
Wondering if my life was better
If I was a champ

And I'm so sick of fantasy
Failure again
'Cause if I was a champ
Then I'd be the champ
I'd be the champ
I'd be the champ

2019 Final Thoughts:

What did we learn from Kevin winning the title? Other than big brothers always beat little brothers...

Hey, remember when we had the playoffs?  Yeah, it definitely was a thing that happened.  With all that has since transpired this year since our league's 2019 conclusion, I figured you may have forgotten.  Understandable.  So, I just wanted apologize in advance that bringing to light the grizzly details of what went down last year might be tough to swallow for some of us.  I for one have since repressed that terrible memory right out of my consciousness.  Therefore, reader discretion is definitely advised, as the trauma in reliving these events may induce extreme bouts of terror and anxiety, much like a child rape victim recounting the dastardly deeds of his perpetrator to law enforcement.  So, if you need to pop a Xanny before going on, we will wait... No? Just me?  Okay, I digress...

Well, in case anyone actually did forget, Kevin took home the ship this past season in what was (kind of) an impressive run through the playoffs on the back of the Pittsburgh D, Deandre Hopkins, and Younghoe freakin' Koo in round one against yours truly.  Then his trusty steed, Patty Mahomes, and waiver wire journeyman, Kenyan Drake, stepped up big time to take his brother down in the championship.  Needless to say, luck played a big part in his playoff run.  Listen, I'm not here trying to diminish his accomplishment one bit (kudos to you Big Kev), but we can't just ignore the mere fact him being in the playoffs in the first place was a miracle in and of itself as well.  Not only did Kevin pull out the win against his brother (second best team in the league by way of record) in the final week of the regular season, somehow Daniel and Kam both managed wins against DW and Tyler, the top two scoring teams in the league (both ahead of Kevin in the standings going into the final week), to push Kev into the playoffs. I would be remissed not to mention the latter was off the back of some of maybe the luckiest Sunday afternoon heroics I have ever seen... I'm looking at you James White!  The craziness of the final week of the season still baffles me to this day.  It's the kind of thing Kevin will giddily be describing to his grand kids one day, while they pretend to listen, but secretly wonder if it is time to put him in a home.  I've detailed both this and his two games in the playoffs pretty thoroughly if you attended the after season recap party, so I am not going into it again (...because it's too painful for me).  Anyway, now that we've had the time to reflect and let the final results of the 2019 fantasy year sink in, I definitely do still have a few thoughts and take aways.

First, Kevin's draft strategy was interesting to say the least, and I wonder if it is going to change how people approach the draft this upcoming season.  Kevin, in a very Kevin-like way, jumped on QB in the 3rd round, drafting Mahomes, and sacrificed nabbing what most fantasy managers believe is more positional value in the third round.  While I believe this still holds true, even with Mahomes sidelined for a good portion of the season and almost costing Kev a playoff spot, Patty came through in the championship game and was an integral piece for his championship run.  On top of that, when he did play, Mahomes consistently put up the numbers that Kevin was looking for when he spent the high draft capital on him.  So, this begs the question: will this change the dynamic for how our league will view the QB position in the upcoming draft?  Will people still push off taking QB because it is harder to find a solid RB2 or WR2 with a mid-late round pick, or will the weekly boom potential of say a Mahomes or Lamar be too tantalizing of an option to pass up early? It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

Secondly, Kevin's championship is yet another testament to how meaningless the regular season is in our league, and how important it is for just finding a way to get in the playoffs. You can say that about any real sport too, but the end of the season in fantasy almost always seems to skew toward unpredictability and often times the studs who show out through most of the season, are unreliable down the home stretch. I only mention this because I have now finished 1st in the regular season in back to back years without even a championship appearance to show for it. Okay, maybe I'm just a little bit butt hurt about this, but still...

Lastly, while the draft is by far the most meaningful indicator on how your team will do, it can be overcome if you can make savvy decisions throughout the year. I don't think this is a ground breaking revelation, but I definitely don't think people truly realize how important it is to have a good draft, and how difficult it is to actually rectify a bad draft. Still, Kevin found a way, in my opinion, to overcome two critical drafting mistakes (three if you count drafting QB in the third round, but we're letting that slide as mentioned above): He completely whiffed on his second round pick (James Conner) and he was the first person to take a defense (10th round). Looking at his second round pick, I'm not going to really put any blame on him for that, as I am sure most people in the league would have picked Conner about where Kev did. However, if we examine the rest of the league, not a single other team who also missed as badly with a first or second round pick even came close to sniffing the playoffs. Kevin was able to salvage his season with the likes of Kenyan Drake, but about 95% of the time (don't quote me on that) if you don't hit on your first two picks, you aren't going to make the playoffs. Remember that folks, the first two rounds are far and way the most consequential decisions you will make each fantasy season, and that is where you will either make or break your team. Yeah, every once in a blue moon, you might get a Lamar Jackson in the last round like Trevor, but the odds are heavily stacked against you. The two best teams in the league (Me and Alex) both hit big on the first two picks and that is why we finished as the top two teams.  If you reexamine the draft, no one else fared as well as us in the first two rounds.  Simple as that.

Shifting to Kevin's 10th round pick (*Sighs*), he went with what was widely regarded as the best defense in the league, The Bears D. Every year there is the sucker who takes the hot defense way too early. That man was Kevin last year. The Bears finished as the 18th best defense in the league while Kevin rode the Steelers D to glory in his playoff run. This goes again to show why spending any draft capital on defense earlier than the 3rd to last round is a wasted pick.  Yes, I know this is slightly contrary to what I mentioned earlier because most likely that pick in the 10th round isn't going to amount to anything, and isn't going to be on your roster by seasons end.  Still, streaming defenses on weekly basis will net you much more consistency at that position than the defense you draft in the 10th, and If you disagree, then so be it.  All I know is I definitely learned that I'm not wasting an extra dart to throw in the hopes of hitting big on that year's late round wonderboy, for a defense that will likely finish outside the Top 15. Or, I mean... you could still win a championship like Kevin regardless... So, what do I know?

Are we appreciating the historic awfulness of Kam's season enough?

While the action that took place at the top of the standings was covered extensively throughout the season, I don't think we really delved into the race for shittiest team quite enough.  Honestly, it wasn't really a race at all, as it truly was one of the most remarkable seasons that I have ever been privileged enough to witness (*Golf Claps for Kam*).  I don't think we have properly given Kam his due for assembling what might have been the shittiest team in league history.  The stats back it up pretty strongly.  He only averaged a microscopic 119 points per game, which was a full 12 points per game less than Grant who was 9th in points per game .  To give you some perspective, that's the same margin of points per game difference between the top scorer (DW) and the 4th highest scorer (Alex), and not once during the season did Kameron score more than 142 points.  On top of this, from Week 4 on, in the last nine weeks of the season, he scored less than 115 points six times, was the lowest scoring team of the week four times and scored less than 100 three times.  His performance this past season was nothing short of spectacular in terms of truly producing the worst fantasy campaign ever etched into our league's history books.  Honestly, we have never had a more truly deserving winner of the Toilet Bowl and this record setting season should not only go down in the Emotional Friends Hall of Fame, but in the annals of Fantasy History forever as well.  The only thing that would have maybe made his season even more unassailable would have been if he could have pulled out the defeated season and go winless.  We all wanted to see it.  Maybe next year, my man.  Anyhow, the best part about his two wins were they came against DW and Tyler, the two highest scoring teams in the league, and two teams who both missed the playoffs by a single game... Yup, that's fantasy for you.

How will the FAAB system go in year two?  Will there be other changes in the future?

One of the burning questions that I really wanted to address was the newly implemented waiver wire system we used in 2019 and how league members would navigate that in year two and the implications it could have on the league going forward.  While I'm sure the change was met with some hesitation for some in the league at first, from all accounts, the results of using this new waiver system received much acclaim across the league.  I for one was a big fan of the system and felt it brought a new level of strategy and fairness to the waivers that we never had before.  It's very intriguing to think about what we learned with one year down using the FAAB system.  There were all sorts of approaches deployed by managers in how to use their FAAB dollars, all with varying success.  You had Kyle who left $100 in his pocket (which I assume was because he thought it would carry over?  Does anything Kyle do fantasy wise make sense?) and finished in 7th place.  On the flip side, Alex, Kevin, Tyler, Grant, and Kam all used every last penny, and they all finished 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th respectively.  So, what really is the best way to handle your FAAB dollars?  Should you take DW's idea and spend like crazy early, or hold off and spend big late like Trevor?  Or, is it best to just evenly manage your money throughout the season to make sure you can acquire players you want at the beginning and end of the season?  With the evidence provided after year one, there definitely isn't a clear cut answer to this and it is going to be a huge development heading into year two of the new system on how everyone decides to handle their money.  I can't wait to see how strategies change and what the resulting effect is of that.  Are you going to be hesitant on spending big money on coveted players are or you going to spend more?  This is all so fascinating to me and is something you all are going to have to think long and hard about going into next season.  For your information, here were the players that went for more than $40 on the waivers last year:  Larry Fitzgerald ($43), Rashaad Penny ($43), Will Fuller ($48), D.J Chark ($41), Ronald Jones ($51), Kareem Hunt ($107), Jaylen Samuels ($40), Jordan Howard ($45), Ty Johnson ($50), N'keal Harry ($42), Jamaal Williams ($57), Teddy Bridgewater ($50), Phillip Dorsett ($51), Demarcus Robinson ($52), and T.J. Hockenson ($50).  Do with that what you will...

Lastly, turning our focus to the bigger picture of what this change means, is this the budding of bigger, bolder, and more innovative ideas being put into effect in the future?  I for one am not someone to shy away from experimentation and change if the end result means a better fantasy experience for everyone.  Look, I know our league has been open to change in some aspects and outright dismissive of changes in other areas (I think you know where I am going with this...).  We now have proof that change is not always a bad thing, and creating a more competitive and fair way to manage a fantasy league is, at its core, the main goal of what we all want from our fantasy league.  So, this is my challenge to you all to open your closemindedness when it comes to the draft and whether we should switch to the auction format.  The snake draft is an antiquated and unfair system that has become a staple for more sophisticated fantasy footballers to openly mock for its simplicity and is a concept specifically designed for novice, casual fantasy players who play "for fun".  Aren't we better than that?  We have real money on the line, and we resort to checkers when the rest of the serious fantasy world is playing chess.  Again, as evidenced, by the resounding success of implementing the FAAB waiver system and Sleeper App, we can no longer sit idly letting our league devolve into the laughing stock of the fantasy-verse!  We've officially reached the point in time where we must act!  So I leave with you one final plea for change and hope you internalize the overwhelming evidence I have laid before you here today in favor of the auction draft.  Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case.  Ball's in your court now, gents.

Welp, now that I got everything off my chest, maybe I can finally move on from the disaster ending that was my 2019 Fantasy Season and live at peace through the rest of my quarantine?  Or, maybe not... Godammit! Going back over fantasy just made it so much worse.  I just wanted you all to know... I wish... the things I did-

Whatever, I'll see you fools next draft.

I'm going to go now.

2019 Final Power Rankings and Stats (incase you forgot):

1. jressa; Power Score: 8.3

Record: 11-2 (1st)
League Record: 76-41 (2nd)
Coach Performance: -275.65 (8th)
Points For: 2003.8 (3rd)
Points Against: 1768.25 (10th)

2. AlexAshak; Power Score: 8.0

Record: 10-3 (2nd)
League Record: 75-42 (3rd)
Coach Performance: -190.35 (3rd)
Points For: 1969.95 (4th)
Points Against: 1774.5 (9th)

3. DWwarner; Power Score: 7.3

Record: 6-7 (Tied for 5th)
League Record: 85-32 (1st)
Coach Performance: -170.95 (1st)
Points For: 2105.75 (1st)
Points Against: 2054.85 (1st)

4. Kshak; Power Score: 6.3

Record: 7-6 (Tied for 3rd)
League Record: 65-52 (5th)
Coach Performance: -251.9 (6th)
Points For: 1886.55 (6th)
Points Against: 1915.85 (3rd)

5. Tspires; Power Score: 5.7

Record: 7-6 (Tied for 3rd)
League Record: 57-60 (6th)
Coach Performance: -341.9 (10th)
Points For: 1907.8 (5th)
Points Against: 1868.3 (5th)

6. Tborgs4; Power Score: 5.55

Record: 6-7 (Tied for 5th)
League Record: 72-45 (4th)
Coach Performance: -301.75 (9th)
Points For: 2012.75 (2nd)
Points Against: 1977.5 (2nd)

7. KartierKyle; Power Score: 3.65

Record: 6-7 (Tied for 5th)
League Record: 42-75 (Tied for 8th)
Coach Performance: -232.4 (4th)
Points For: 1748.1 (8th)
Points Against: 1804.25 (7th)

8. HouseWeverstad; Power Score: 3.45

Record: 5-8 (Tied for 8th)
League Record: 45-72 (7th)
Coach Performance: -184.1 (2nd)
Points For: 1708.7 (9th)
Points Against: 1880.7 (4th)

9. DanielWest; Power Score: 2.65

Record: 5-8 (Tied for 8th)
League Record: 42-75 (Tied for 8th)
Coach Performance: -252.3 (7th)
Points For: 1762.55 (7th)
Points Against: 1833.05 (6th)

10. KamSmith: Power Score: 1.6

Record: 2-11 (10th)
League Record: 26-91 (10th)
Coach Performance: -250.04 (5th)
Points For: 1554.95 (10th)
Points Against: 1783.65 (8th)

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